Thursday, November 10, 2005

Have Gun...Will Travel

Having a gun on your person when you need it, to say the least, is much better than having one in the car or worse, at home! Why didn’t you carry it? Is it because it’s too big, bulky or heavy?

Most people deciding to carry go for a smaller pistol, obviously because of its size / weight, etc. Ask yourself these questions first. Why are you carrying a pistol to begin with? Do you feel a need, or responsibility to carry? If so, what difference does the size or weight matter? If you need one…carry it!

Sure, a full-sized .44 revolver is hard to conceal but let’s be real! If you must carry, get a larger shirt, wear a thick belt, get a good “quality” holster and just carry the damn thing. If you are just starting out though, it’s a good idea to get a full size pistol, and learn to shoot it…and shoot it well. Then learn to carry it. Carrying involves awareness, personal responsibility and “good decision” making. Then, after you can carry a full size pistol, get a small pistol, and learn how to use it…and use it well.

I’ve carried this S&W model 640 .357 mag. as a back-up pistol for about 10 years. It’s been a great pistol and is quite accurate. Here in Florida, where the heat and humidity causes me to sweat, the stainless steel construction is a plus. I’ve come home from work on numerous days, and when I take the gun off, it looks like I’ve been swimming with it. However, I’ve found that as I’ve gotten older, and I have arthritis in my hands, the gun just seems to beat me up, more and more. I got rid of the rubber grips for a purpose; they get hung up on my T-shirts. I really like these wooden grips, but it sure does hurt after fifty rounds or so.

Keep that in mind when you buy a pistol for the purpose of carrying. Make sure you can handle the gun that you choose! Weigh the pros and cons against each other for the size gun that you choose. If the pros win…go for it.

Whatever your decision…make a good, well informed choice, and most importantly, be careful.

For more information, view my website: Defensive Training Group

Semper Fidelis.
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